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Guide to a Sustainable Summer
Sunday, June 20, 2021 marks the first day of summer in the northern hemisphere! With the world around us seeming to return to normal, it...
Bri Zayas
Jun 21, 2021

WeWalk Wonderwalks
LandHealth Institute is excited to announce a series of Urban-Eco Wonderwalks in partnership with WeWalkPHL. They are a free walking...
Kiara Buker
Jun 14, 2021

The Future of Environmentalism
The Anthropocene is the contemporary era of the earth that is defined by unprecedented action in which humans have manipulated and...
Robert Dukes
Jun 7, 2021

Animals at the Nursery
Wildlife at our nursery is always a great delight. There are currently two resident Baltimore Oriole pairs that enjoy taking baths in the...
Joshua Benoff
May 31, 2021

Growing Up and Green
Imagine you are living in the city and you notice the lack of space in your home for gardening. Perhaps you have an aloe plant or a...
Brenda Vong
May 24, 2021

Efforts to Reduce Bird Collisions in Philadelphia
Have you ever seen a dead bird on the sidewalk when walking around the city? Many of these deaths are the result of birds colliding with...
Taisia Osipova
May 13, 2021

Everyday Sustainability Bag Essentials
What things come to mind that you can’t leave your home without? For many, the first couple items are their phone, wallet and keys. But...
Bri Zayas
May 10, 2021

Life at the Nursery
What's Happening at the LandHealth Native Plant Nursery? At the nursery, we have 4 different spaces for our plants. We have a garden for...
Bri Zayas
May 7, 2021

Future Stewards at the Nursery
LandHealth Institute's Native Plant Nursery isn't just a destination for native flora. This Spring, 8th and 9th grade students from...
Kiara Buker
May 3, 2021

Earth Day Walk Through the Wissahickon
On Earth Day, the LandHealth Founder, Scott Quitel, led a tour through the Wissahickon, discussing its patterned history in the region...
Robert Dukes
Apr 25, 2021
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